Welcome Back!


Important Dates: 

September 2nd- No School

September 3rd- 10 am start

September 21st- Boots for Buses! 

Save the Date:  Ya’ll are invited to a rootin’ tootin’ good time! Country Roads: Boots for Buses from 6 pm -9 pm at WCDS Main Campus! Join us for an evening of BBQ, Boots, and Boogyin’.  It’s the perfect chance for parents to mingle, get to know each other, and kick up their heels!  More details to come, so mark your calendars now.  Yee Haw!

Scholastic magazines went home this week. If you’re interested in ordering books for home please use this link https://orders.scholastic.com/TL79N. It helps us earn books for the classroom. Thanks!

What a great first week back! We spent time getting comfortable in our new spaces and catching up with friends.  It’s always so special to see how excited the kiddos are to be back on campus with their friends.  

This week we decorated our classroom and belongings to make our space feel like home!  We went book shopping and enjoyed reading with friends.  We did some math centers to get our brains warmed up to working with numbers again.  In deep dive, we spent some time studying birds and then made our very own bird feeders to hang around campus.

We are so grateful to announce we have a student teacher joining us this year! Miss Bekah will be here three days a week through Christmas and then five days a week after that! 

We can’t wait to see what next week has in store for us!

Carly, Laura, and Bekah