8th Grade Newsletter – Welcome Back!

Upcoming Dates

September 2nd- No School Labor Day

September 3rd-Classes Resume 10 AM

September 20th- Early Dismissal 11:30

September 21st Boots for Buses

Welcome back 8th Grade families! I’m honored to be working with these teenagers in their final year at WCDS, and I hope to be one of the many contributing factors toward it being one of their most memorable school years. As always, these newsletters/blurbs are designed to share with you important classroom information and dates to put in your calendar. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me.

8th Grade English with Mr. Rouse-

  • Set up Google Classroom.
  • Did a mini history lesson for Chasing Lincoln’s Killer.
  • Summarized the intent and layout of John’s plan.
  • Did a, “What if?” regarding how America would be different if John had succeeded -or- President Lincoln had survived.

Mrs. Ochap Mrs. Jividen Deep Dive-

  • We explored the history of bicycles
  • We drew and labeled essential parts of the bicycle (A bell is not essential Layla Kalcum)
  • We discussed goals for a successful Deep Dive

Miss Keding The Arts-

  • We began a short back to school rap that prompts them to rhythmically share something they like to do, what they like about it, somewhere they went this summer and what they liked about it. We will practice putting these to a beat to share with eachother.
  • Discussed our weekly “Music Journal” that we will keep this year. Every Friday, students will come into class, get their journal folder (which we will be decorating) and write a response to a musical question/idea that will be on the board.