- Monday, September 2nd, – Labor Day- NO SCHOOL
- Tuesday, September 3rd, 10:00AM START
- Friday, September 20th – 11:30am Dismissal
- Saturday, September 21st – Save the Date: Ya’ll are invited to a rootin’ tootin’ good time! Country Roads: Boots for Buses September 21, 2024, 6-9 pm WCDS Main Campus Join us for an evening of BBQ, Boots, and Boogyin’. It’s the perfect chance for parents to mingle, get to know each other, and kick up their heels! More details to come, so mark your calendars now. Yee Haw!
- Monday, September 23rd-25th – School Pictures (more information to come)
- We are continuing to accept the following items for both our indoor/outdoor learning spaces: perler beads, wire hangers, outdoor storage containers and a variety of beads as well as pipe cleaners.
First grade braved the heat and enjoyed some outdoor learning! We utilized our outdoor learning space for the first time and the kids loved it! Students explored the playground and observed their surroundings. We look forward to starting our first deep dive!
Our daily routine is coming along! We are remembering how to settle in for the day and do our best learning. Students are working hard to be whole body listeners. We introduced our reading and math centers and our class is excited to be independent learners!
In math, we are learning proper number formation and have been practicing counting forwards and backwards. We have practiced subitizing numbers, using 10 frames, and comparing numbers using “more and less.” Students have had the opportunity to explore a variety of different math materials and centers.
In phonics, students are showing us what they know about letters and the sounds they make. As a class, we unlocked the secret of “short a.” See if your child can tell you the secret! Students got to be detectives as they searched for words with short “a” and recorded them in their secret notebooks. In addition to short a, we also unlocked the secret of “au,” as students were curious as to why the “a” and “u” in the word August do not make their short vowel sounds. We will be unlocking more secrets throughout the year just as another visual way to help students remember what letters do when they get together in a word. This fun strategy is helping them with their reading and fluency.
Please remember to check our home learning folder daily. This folder will communicate homework and daily reading. You will record the book your child reads daily. Additional reading materials will be coming home in a few weeks that will follow our phonics skill.
Please remember to email both of us with questions or concerns. Have a great Labor Day, long weekend!
Danielle and Karen