Upcoming Dates & Important Information
- MONDAY – September 2 – Labor Day – NO SCHOOL
- September 3 – Delayed Start at 10:00 am
- September 12 – 5th Grade at WV Northern. Details to come.
- September 20 – Early Dismissal at 11:30 am
- September 21 – Boots for Buses – More details below!
Save the Date: Ya’ll are invited to a rootin’ tootin’ good time!
Country Roads: Boots for Buses
September 21, 2024 6pm-9pm
WCDS Main Campus
Join us for an evening of BBQ, Boots, and Boogyin’. It’s the perfect chance for parents to mingle, get to know each other, and kick up their heels!
More details to come, so mark your calendars now. Yee Haw!
FRIDAY FOLDER – To ensure our parents are able to review their child’s work and that they return the following week with an empty folder, we ask that you please sign their “Friday Folder” paper on the back of their yellow folder confirming you saw its contents.
CLASS BANK – As a reward system for the year, the fifth grade class will be utilizing a class economy system. We are hoping to teach financial literacy and life skills while simultaneously getting the students to take pride in our shared space and responsibility for their items and messes. If you hear your children talk about their jobs, bank, or earning “money”, we want you to be informed and have an understanding of what we hope to accomplish. Each week, the class will apply for their jobs, with the best applications earning a position. (Don’t worry, everyone will get jobs on a biweekly basis!). Students will be able to earn pretend money from their jobs and also bonuses for good behavior and strong work ethic. They also must pay a monthly rent on their desk and their chair. They have an online banking system called Class Bank to keep track of their finances. We will clarify more on this at Parent’s Day, but if you have any more questions please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Language Arts:
- Writing Workshop– began our first personal narrative story (memoir). Ask your child to tell you what it’s about.
- Reading– first 3 chapters in the class novel No Talking, by Andrew Clements. Please check your child’s homework nightly. Many are missing reading assignments and comprehension questions each day. Also please help check that they write in complete sentence responses.
- Learned how to compare and order decimals
- Practiced rounding decimals to their various place values and also to the nearest whole number
- Next week we begin adding decimals!
- On Monday’s and Wednesday’s of each week, students engage in small group math centers for individualized instruction and hands-on math activities.
Water Science
- Students made their own secchi discs, which measure how clear the water is and how deep it is at various points.
- We discussed water turbidity and descriptive adjectives for various water sources
- On Thursday, we participated in a creek walk where we used the secchi discs to measure depth and thermometers to measure the air and water temperatures.
- The class discussed the original 13 colonies and the Christopher Columbus expedition
- Discussions were had about exploration and immigration as we prepare for our upcoming class debate in a few weeks!
- Students participated in an active listening activity where their classmates set up a Runway Challenge outside. The students had to work together to guide a blindfolded classmate through the runway that was riddled with obstacles. Their goals? Effective communication, collaboration, and teamwork! Students wrote reflections on their experience about how to work better together throughout the remainder of the school year.
This week, students also had Drama, Spanish, Yoga, Music, and Art. We look forward to seeing everyone for class on Tuesday at 10:00 am! Classroom doors open at 9:30. Have a wonderful and relaxing Long Weekend!
-Katie and Kristina