Upcoming Dates and Announcements:
⭐️If you would be interested in donating snacks/drinks for any of our sessions, please check out the sign-up sheet here.
⭐️Friday, September 20– This will be a combined session with the We Two students. We will play together from 10-11:15 am at the Branch classroom at West Virginia Northern Community College.
⭐️September 21st, Boots for Buses, 6-9pm @ WCDS Main Campus Courtyard
-WCDS families enjoy BBQ, beverages, s’mores, games, and most importantly – meeting other WCDS families! Buy your ticket and meat raffle tickets here(see meat raffle flyer below): https://www.betterunite.com/WheelingCountryDaySchool-countryroadsbootsforbuses
What a magical first session we had in Little Explorers this week! I am so excited to get to share that time with all of you and your kiddos. We created interesting imprints with shells and other loose parts in yummy cinnamon play dough, designed interesting shadows on the wall with our overhead projector, stacked colorful blocks on top of each other, and made wonderful music with our various instruments. The morning sunlight mixed with the shiny disco balls made the room sparkle and shine, while cool shades of blues and purples covered our Boots for Buses boots. These little learners have already started to show what kinds of learners they are and have inspired me with new ideas.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and see you next Friday!
Miss Claire