Upcoming Dates and Announcements:
⭐️ If you would be interested in donating snacks/drinks for any of our sessions, please check out the sign-up sheet here.
⭐️Friday, September 20– This will be a combined session with the Little Explorers class. We will play together from 10:00-11:15 am at our Branch classroom at Northern Community College.
⭐️September 21st, Boots for Buses, 6-9pm @ WCDS Main Campus Courtyard
-WCDS families enjoy BBQ, beverages, s’mores, games, and most importantly – meeting other WCDS families! Buy your ticket and meat raffle tickets here(see meat raffle flyer below): https://www.betterunite.com/WheelingCountryDaySchool-countryroadsbootsforbuses

What a beautiful first session we had today! I just love getting to see some familiar faces while welcoming new ones to our group. There was a buzz throughout the room as the kiddos explored using an overhead projector to make different shape shadows on the wall, stacked colorful blocks on top of each other, rolled and squished yummy cinnamon play dough, and had mini light shows with the flashlights and colorful tea lights. Some of the kiddos challenged their bodies with big jumps and steps on the black boxes and stepping stones, while others added shades of blues and purples to our Boots for Buses Bash boots. Your kiddos dived right in to everything that was offered and have already inspired me for next week.
I hope you all have a great weekend and see you next Friday!
Miss Claire