Upcoming Events
September 25th: WCDS Student Fall Pictures!
September 26th: Join us on main campus for Coffee Conversations @ 2:00 pm! (This is a time to chat with the Head of School, faculty, other families, and discuss parenting, education, and current trends. A short article will be shared beforehand via Talking Points, if interested.)
September 27th: Freedom Friday for SK – 5th grade (Casual dress and pizza for lunch!)
October 3rd, Save the Date for Grandparents’ Day! (Graphic Below!)
7th Grade Updates
English w/ Mr. Rouse –
- Upcoming Tests/Quizzes- none
- Finished Aimsweb
- Continued our reading of The Giver
Deep Dive w/ Mrs. Ochap and Mr. Jividen –
- Upcoming Tests/Quizzes – No Tests or Quiz Scheduled
- A huge thanks to Mr. Brian Joseph for giving us his time on Tuesday and Thursday
- Students had the opportunity to see unique bicycles first hand and apply physics lessons to cycling
Math w/ Mrs. Boldrick –
- Upcoming Tests/Quizzes – None scheduled
- The students took their test on rational numbers on Wednesday. We will review the test and make corrections on Monday. Anyone with a 70% or lower will be able to make up points with corrections.
- We are reviewing all operations with fractions – addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
Science w/ Mrs. Farris –
- Upcoming Tests/Quizzes – no test or quiz scheduled
- Students grinned and bared a lecture-style class Tuesday. They worked hard to complete guided notes on cells and their structure and function.
- They practiced identifying organelles in their homework which prepared them for our cell build.
- Thursday we built editable plant cells and came up with ways to help us remember them! Ribosomes have Rosie the Riveter very busy working in the factory making proteins! Ask your child to share their favorite organelle and its function.
- Next Tuesday we will be visiting WVNCC Medical Laboratory Technology to learn about their program and WBC (white blood count)