Middle School is Coming Home!

While being downtown at WVNCC provided some amazing opportunities, like learning at the waterfront, or dissecting computers with computer science majors in Mrs. Boldrick’s coding elective, we couldn’t be happier to be returning home to our campus at Wheeling Park next week. (Those steps are brutal!)! Our friends at Northern threw us a sweet going away party yesterday too!

Upcoming Dates and Announcements:

October 1 – Picture Day

October 3 – Special Person’s Day

October 4 – 11:30 am Early Dismissal (No aftercare provided)

October 7 – No school, Fall long weekend

October 8 – 10:00 School starts with regular before care 7:30 am before care ends at 9:00. Regular drop off begins at 9:00. Classrooms will open at 9:20. Instruction will begin at 10 am.

October 18 – Talent Show Videos due to Mr. Alex – Look for more information to come next week. 

6th Grade Happenings:

English w/ Mrs. McFadden – Upcoming Tests/Quizzes-none

  • We finished reading Walk Two Moons. Students are working on creating a fable based on one of the five messages from the book.
  • Next week, we will dive into grammar

 Math w/ Mrs. McFadden –

-Upcoming Tests/Quizzes-none

-We continued to practice multiplying with decimals and variables.

-Next week, we will focus on division with decimals and variables

Music w/ Ms. Chelsey –

– The students are doing a great job at learning their parts in our kazoo song!! We have just a bit more to go and we will be ready to start on our next piece!Our journal prompt this week was “If you could play any instrument, what would it be and why?” I’m looking forward to reading their responses

Elective – Movie Making- Filming is underway!  The three films are deep into production, with editing coming right around the corner.

Science w/ Mrs. Farris – 

  • Upcoming Tests/Quizzes – no test or quiz scheduled 
  • We dissected our germinated seeds to remove the testa and identify the cotyledons, radical, epicotyl and hypocotyl. Students did well referencing their diagram from last week! 
  • As we finished the germination experiment, we calculated the germination rate and made observations. We identify two types of observations – objective and subjective. 
  • To improve observation skills, students made both objective and subjective observations using all their senses. They passed their notebooks to classmates for a “Spot the Spud” activity. Those who used objective measurements and included drawings were most successful.