Seventh Grade Scoop


Upcoming Dates

October 3 – Special Person’s Day

October 4 – 11:30 am Early Dismissal (No aftercare provided)

October 7 – No school, Fall long weekend

October 8 – 10:00 Start: Before care begins at 7:30 am and ends at 9:00. Regular drop off begins at 9:00. Classrooms will open at 9:20. Instruction will begin at 10 am. 

October 18 – Talent Show Videos due to Mr. Alex – Look for more information to come next week.

What a year this week has been! It’s hard to believe we have reached the end of September. With our return to Wheeling Park, I want to thank you all for being flexible with the arrangements at WVNCC. We ended our time at WVNCC with a small party put on by the Student Activities Committee. This week, we also sent home something that is new to WCDS families. You will find a progress report in your child’s bag. It is a snapshot of their progress to date. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out. I am happy to connect you with any of your child’s teachers.

English w/ Mr. Rouse – 

  • Upcoming Tests/Quizzes- none
  • Continued our reading of The Giver.
  • Started our first week of vocabulary.

Deep Dive w/ Mrs. Ochap and Mr. Jividen –

  • Upcoming Tests/Quizzes – No Tests or Quiz Scheduled
  • Well, we did it! Locks and Dam all the way to Benwood and back to Wesbanco! We even had Mrs. B join us in Warwood. Almost 11 miles total.
  • We also began to narrow our focus for our upcoming exhibition.

Math w/ Mrs. Boldrick –

  • Upcoming Tests/Quizzes – Fractions and decimals Test – Wednesday, October 9
  • We continued using positive and negative fractions and mixed numbers with addition and subtraction. They have a “process” that they can follow (notes given) to add and subtract these positive and negative fractions. They continued to practice this skill all week.
  • Next week, the students will multiply and divide fractions and decimals.
  • Mid-term grades were given to each student (Google Classroom is in the works). Please remember that this is at the six-week mark. The students have time to improve their scores, but more importantly, improve their understanding and thinking with these concepts.

Math w/ Mrs. Howells –

  • Upcoming Quiz: Thursday, Oct. 3 
  • The quiz will cover Lessons 7-11 in the math book.
  • Study resources will be available on our weebly site:
  • Lately we have covered Powers and Laws of Exponents, Order of Operations, and The Coordinate Plane
  • Next week, we will review for the quiz then prepare for our first test (Chapter 1).
  • Mid-term grades were given to each student (see Google Classroom). Please reach out if you have any questions. Students have ample time to improve their grade before the end of the trimester; however, understanding the material is of utmost importance. They are encouraged to ask for extra help, resources, or extra credit work. 

Social Studies w/ Mr. Jividen –

  • Upcoming Tests/Quizzes – No Tests or Quizzes Scheduled
  • Minds were blown when we discussed all of the down ballot races involved in an election
  • We talked about the limitations placed on the president when the legislative branch is made up of the opposing party

Science w/ Mrs. Farris – 

  • Upcoming Tests/Quizzes – no test or quiz scheduled 
  • The 7th grade visited Medical Laboratory Technology. Program director Lisa Aaron shared an overview with the class. Students observed complete blood count under a microscope to see eosinophilia (an allergic reaction) which appeared as an orange circle. Next, we looked at samples from a strep culture and urinalysis. Then we tested two different blood samples to determine their blood type. Students’ curiosity led them to ask great questions! 
  • Students’ homework is to label and color code an animal organelle. We will use this next week to create a model.