Upcoming Dates and Announcements:
- Friday, October 11, 18, and 25– We will resume our normal schedule with Little Explorers at 9:00 am and We Two at 11:00 am. We will be at Northern.
- Friday, November 1st– Both Little Explorers (9:00 am) and We Two (11:00 am) will be held at our main campus at 8 Park Road. This will be our Halloween Celebration and Trick-or-Treating to a few classrooms on campus. Children and grown-ups are welcome to dress up! More details to come!
Add a little bit of this, a pinch of that, and a scoop of this and you got yourself a yummy mixture! That is just a snippet of what was happening today during our joint session this week. The students mixed twigs, cinnamon sticks, acorns, pinecones, and whole leaves in water, “cooking” up a variety of soups and cakes. Boy, did that make the room smell yummy! That combined with the apple play dough really made it feel like Fall. Our wooden rollers gave us some interesting patterns, while the cookie cutters make some yummy “cookies”. Our tree canvases were given splashes of red, yellow, orange and green as the students used the droppers in liquid watercolors. We will continue to add to those canvases next time. The big rug was filled with light and amazing explorations of the magnetic blocks and little balls. They were definitely the hit of the day! We finished off our time together with the following of a tree through all of the seasons in the book Tree by Britta Teckentrup. It definitely sparked some new ideas for the upcoming sessions.
I hope you all have a weekend filled with lots of time outside in the beautiful weather! See you next Friday!
Miss Claire