- October 18th – Talent Show Videos due to Mr. Alex!
- We are excited to announce that our WCDS Tallent Show will be shared as a Viewing Party during our 29 Hours of Giving from November 13th to 14th! To ensure we have videos in and compiled in time, please send all submissions by October 18th. Videos should be no longer than 60 seconds and sent to talentshow@wcdsedu.com. Please email Mr. Alex at ahill@wcdsedu.com with any questions! (See Image Below)
- October 18th – 9:00 am Coffee Conversations on Main Campus(Below are some relevant articles)
Article 1 Article 2 Article 3 - October 19th – 9:00 am – 3:00 pm – Fall Campus Refresh! Volunteer for a few hours by swinging by 8 Park Road with gardening gloves to help freshen our campus. Lunch and refreshments will be provided! (See image Below)
- October 22nd – Students are encouraged to wear pink to show support for Breast Cancer Awareness this Tuesday! Donations will be collected by classroom teachers and sent to local breast care centers.
- Nov. 1 (7 – 10 pm) – Bash Middle School Dance -Wear your costume!
- November 4th Time and Location TBD – 7th/8th Grade Exhibition

English w/ Mr. Rouse
- Upcoming Test/Quizzes: None
- Students finished reading The Giver and will begin their final project.
- Students will need to bring their copy of Maze Runner to school next week.
- Upon completing their final project, we will show the movie on The Giver.
Deep Dive w/ Mrs. Ochap and Mr. Jividen:
- Upcoming Tests/Quizzes – No Tests or Quiz Scheduled
- This week, the students took on the challenge of building a model bike out of anything they could find at home or school. The groups had five criteria that had to be shown on their model bike. These kids are so incredibly talented in how they design and create their bikes. I can’t wait to show them off at the exhibition.
Math w/ Mrs. Boldrick
- Upcoming Tests/Quizzes – Operations with Fractions and Decimals Quiz – Wednesday, October 16. This quiz was moved to Wednesday of next week due to the short week and our field trip on Wednesday.
- This week, we reviewed all operations with Fractions
- The students’ memories were refreshed on how to divide decimals.
- We will review all of these operations on Monday, then take a practice quiz on Tuesday in preparation for the quiz on Wednesday.
- Practice and review work in preparation for the quiz is posted on Google Classroom. I recommend that each student use these materials to “study” for the quiz.
Math w/ Mrs. Howells
- Upcoming Test on Chapter 1 – Tuesday, Oct. 15
- This week, we reviewed for our quiz on Chapter 1, Lessons 7-11
- Students took the quiz on Tuesday.
- They are graded in student folders and posted on Google Classroom.
- We reviewed for the cumulative Chapter 1 test. We’ll revisit that again on Monday for the chapter test on Tuesday. There are review resources available on our class website: mhowells.weebly.com
- Next, we will begin Chapter 2: Expressions and Equations.
Science w/ Mrs. Farris
- Upcoming Tests/Quizzes – Cells and Organelle Test – October 15th
- We utilized class time to highlight or star areas from our notes to prepare for next week’s quiz. (Google Classroom has additional study tips)
- A fun game of “headbands” with organelle cards helped us review the organelle’s functions.
- Students completed their shrinky-dink animal cell models.
Arts w/ Mr. K
- Students are working on creating a pumpkin-style character or a fall/Halloween card in art. They are working on shading with pencils, colored pencils, or watercolors. Some goals are to understand overlapping and perspective while creating an original piece.
Music w/ Mrs. Chelsey –
- This week we worked on putting our first holiday song the students have learned together with the background track. We will continue to practice this one, as we start our next song, “First Footsteps”, which will incorporate singing and playing the glockenspiel.
- Our music journal entry this week was “How does music help you connect with others?”