Updates and Announcements
- Wednesday, October 30th, Field Trip to Nicky’s Garden Center! We will meet at Nicky’s at 9:00AM parents or caregivers are welcome to stay. If you prefer to take your child after the field trip, please let one of us know. We will have a sign out sheet with us.
- Thursday, October 31st- Halloween! Students are invited to come to school in costume. Sign up here to bring an item for our Halloween party!
- Beforecare is available in the gym from 7:30- 8:20 and aftercare from 3:30-5:00.
- Teacher Email: mshah@wcdsedu.com, awolle@wcdsedu.com, aschultz@wcdsedu.com
Dear Preschool families,
What better way to enjoy these warm days than to continue our pumpkin knowledge with a pumpkin provocation in our outdoor space. We started with a pumpkin song reviewing the height, weight, and size. They were invited to explore the lumps, bumps, and seeds of gourds and pumpkins from Miss Arden’s house. The curiosity of how many seeds were in each pumpkin lead to using many of our tools to scoop out pumpkin seeds and hammer out dents. Stay tuned for the grand total of seeds from one of our pumpkins.
Here are few quotes from the pumpkin science provocation. Enjoy!
Avery “There’s seeds! Remember I did decorate and paint them. We put them on a paper towel.”
Levi- “I’m getting the seeds! Let’s put them in a pot.”
Romeo- “Do you see all the seeds? I’m trying to get them out of there.”
Roman- “I’m hammering out the insides.”
Archie- “I’m trying to get them out!” (seeds)
Evelyn-(counts the seeds as she pulls them out)
Atticus- “We’re getting all of it! There’s soooo many seeds! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10”
Brody- “I’ve got some seeds! I’m putting them all in the bowl to mix them up!”
We also set the stage for a spooky story with dimmed lights and flickering candles to read Who will Haunt My House on Halloween? We wrapped up our Tuesday morning by starting our October self-portraits with a Halloween flair. Stay tuned!
Watch out for gluey, glittery, and googley eyed monsters in preschool! On Wednesday, we read a story titled Glad Monster Sad Monster A book About Feelings. We listened to the story with various masks that fold out from almost every page to discuss feelings of happiness, sadness, worry or silliness. We then invited the children to make their monster with white or clear glue on wax paper and adding loose parts of choice (gems, buttons, paper straws, colorful pipe cleaners, googley eyes, and everyone’s favorite- sparkling glitter! Please enjoy reading their answers about their monster.
Evelyn- “It’s a love monster. Its name is Evelyn. It saves people.”
Clara- “It’s a sad monster. Its name is Willa. It makes ice.”
Lincoln- “I’m making a silly monster. His name is Lincoln monster. He’s super fast.”
Atticus- “This is a big monster. His name is Atticus. His power is fire.”
Hunter- “It’s a bar man monster. His name is Batman. He has strong arms.”
Brody- “It’s a sad one. His name is Brody. He has a night stab.”
Archie- “It’s a happy monster. His name is Jonie.”
Romeo- “It’s a happy monster. Its name is mommy daddy. It makes me happy.”
Levi- “He’s a happy monster. it’s a Batman monster. He has super speed.”
Ben- “It’s a mad monster. Their name is purple with a super punch like hook.”
Emma- “A Happy Monster, his name is Happy!”
Lily- “She is a mad monster named Lily and she flys!”
Avery- “It’s a happy monster whose name is Grey and is super fast!”
Roman- “He’s an angry monster, who fights villains and blows webs”
Isla – “This is my happy face monster, she’s happy and she flys and climbs like this … “WOOSSSHHH”!”
Sydney – “This is my glitter monster, his name is Clifford and he throws glitter balls at bad guys”
Khyran – “My monster is angry, his name is Angus and he flys”
The twirly swirly pumpkin art wrapped up the week. The smallest of pumpkins were decorated with drops of colorful nail polish in water, called hydro-dipping. Some children dipped their pumpkin in the water swirling it around and creating a beautiful “one of a kind” masterpiece. While others took to the “dumping effect” and poured various colors of paint to create a gorgeous tapestry dripping on the rind!
We are all looking forward to our field trip to Nicky’s Garden Center on Wednesday. It is sure to be an exciting time while enjoying some Fall festivities together.
Have a great weekend! PS we love you!!
Miss Airry, Miss Meredith, and Miss Arden