We began our week with the privilege of leading our Monday morning whole school meeting. Four of our students presented the importance of reading and gave examples of ways to make reading fun.
This week in phonics we introduced the digraph -ck! Students learned that -ck appears at the end of a word after a short vowel sound. We are so excited to have unlocked almost 20 secrets. These secrets help students break the code. They are spotting secret sounds as they read and they love recording them in their notebooks.
In math we continued practicing our subtraction skills. Students ventured outside to utilize objects in nature to help with our understanding. We are looking forward to developing automaticity with math facts to 10 with an upcoming math fact challenge.
Our student teacher, Miss Brittany created a whole class behavior incentive. Throughout the last few weeks, students earned a color on the color wheel for demonstrating excellent behavior in whole group settings. They brainstormed rewards they wanted for the year and chose a dance party as their first reward. We danced the end of the day away on Friday! We look forward to our next reward, Kickball!
We had such a great time on our field trip to Simmons Farm! For many, this was the first time they have been on a bus. We spent the day on hay rides, running through corn mazes, flying down slides, tasting apple cider, petting the cutest animals, and searching for the biggest pumpkins we could find! What a great experience for our class.
Enjoy the pictures and have a wonderful weekend!
Danielle & Karen