English w/ Mr. Rouse
- Upcoming Test/Quizzes: None
- Monday and Tuesday, we watch The Giver movie after having completed the book
- Read chapters 4-6 in The Maze Runner with corresponding questions
Deep Dive w/ Mrs. Ochap and Mr. Jividen:
- Upcoming Tests/Quizzes – none
- The 7th and 8th grade students finalized their location for the upcoming exhibition
- Students explored small bike repairs, creating an informative youtube channel, and sharpening their presenations
Math w/ Mrs. Boldrick
- Upcoming Tests/Quizzes – None scheduled.
- Students were introduced to Integral Exponents and Laws of Exponents
- A new law of exponents is introduced each day. The students will eventually know what law(s) to apply to solve numerous equations.
- I am requiring each student to show their work on all assignments to receive full credit. Writing down each step helps them process their thinking. How to show their work is demonstrated in class and examples can be found in their class notes.
Math w/ Mrs. Howells
- Upcoming Tests/Quizzes – none
- Covered Chapter 2-2 Simplify and Evaluate Algebraic Expressions
- Began Chapters 2-3, Numerical and Algebraic Equations, both opened and Closed
Social Studies w/ Mr. Jividen –
- Upcoming Tests/Quizzes – None
- We discussed the upcoming mock election at school
- We discussed the merits of the Electoral College versus the national popular vote
Science w/ Mrs. Farris
- Upcoming Tests/Quizzes – The week of November 4th there will be a microscope parts and function quiz.
- We put our new microscope skills to the test with an “e” lab, where students observed a reversed image and explored the field of view.
- By Thursday, they eagerly set up their microscopes and followed lab instructions independently.
- Thanks to Mr. Joseph, they had the opportunity to examine a variety of fascinating specimens!