A very important election happened this week and the votes are in. The winner is…Taco in a Bag! Thank you to Mrs. White and Mr. Jividen for teaching the 4th grade about the importance of elections. This week we concentrated on the students using independent thinking and working through their assignments on their own. We also talked about the difference between needing assistance and simply wanting to know if their answer is correct. We remind the students, it’s more about the process of learning, than getting something right.
Please read on to learn more about our week.
Enjoy the weekend!
Grace and Stella
- The students continue to impress with their spelling rules knowledge. Their doubling skills are already showing in their writing!
- Students started their “Frozen in Time: A Memoir Series” this week by bringing in a special, scary, or exciting picture to write their memoir on! The goal is that their figurative language continues to expand with the help of having a picture of the moment.
- Nonfiction and text features will be our theme for the next couple of weeks! Students are learning to read texts that are purely informational while studying various topics of their choosings such as weather, animals, math, and sports!
- During our nonfiction unit, we are encouraging students to seek out a topic they are interested in and find a book or reading material to continue their learning. The Ohio County Library is a great resource for this as well as articles onlines by National Geographic Kids!
In Math:
- We spent a lot of time with the skill of counting paper bills and coins.
- The students are using their money-counting skills and applying them to real-life situations such as making change.
- They solved some word problems involving multi-steps, first total your purchase, then subtract from the dollar bill that you paid with, and then get your change.
- Next week, we move into budgeting. The students will read a menu, order food items, and make sure they have enough money to pay.
In Government:
- The students had a busy week starting with their Lunch Food Debate on Monday. Every student took the stage to tell SK-5th grade students why they should vote for their candidate.
- Following the debate on Tuesday, four students who stayed neutral during the election process worked the polls during their recess and lunch shifts. These students get an extra shoutout for taking their job very seriously and running an impressively smooth election day. They may want to explore this opportunity in the future!
- To end this deep dive, we have an all school assembly to announce the winner! Even our students were kept in suspense as they opened the envelope to reveal the winner.
- Check out our social media pages and below to see highlights from this exciting and informative deep dive!
In Brainology:
- Almost everyone was able to present their Growth Mindset lessons to other WCDS students and the last group will finish up next week. Overall, the children did a nice job preparing lessons and activities, specifically focusing on the age of children they were teaching.
- Next week, the children will bring home some of the work they did during Brainology class. Hopefully when they are given a difficult task or feel defeated in some way, they will remember the importance of trying again and taking on challenges.
Important Reminders:
- The school lost and found table is overflowing with various coats, sweaters, jackets, etc. Please stop by and claim anything that may be your child’s. Also, to help keep the lost and found under control, please clearly label your child’s clothing with their first and last name. Thank you!
Prep, Debate, Vote, Oh My!

Yoga & Nonfiction Text Features!