Bah Humbug…


Just kidding! We finished Percy Jackson this week and will begin reading A Christmas Carol next week. Ebenezer will be the only Scrooge allowed in 6th grade!

Please mark your calendars for the “Middle School Winter Concert”, which will be held on Monday, December 16th at 6:00 on Main Campus. Students will need to report to the community room at 5:30. More details to come!

REMINDER!! We will have a rehearsal NEXT FRIDAY December 13th at Main Campus from 1-3pm. Students will be bussed over to Main Campus and will need picked up at Main Campus.

6th Grade Blurbs 

English w/ Mrs. McFadden – 

  • Upcoming Tests/Quizzes- Greek Roots Quiz (they have notes in their binders. A formal study guide will be posted Monday on google classroom.
  • Finished Percy Jackson and watched the movie
  • Students finished their wanted posters for characters from the book or mythology. Some completed them by hand, while others used Canva. All of them are outstanding!
  • Introduced life in Charles Dickens’ time with a game of Deal or No Deal

Math w/ Mrs. McFadden

  • Upcoming Tests/Quizzes- progress check Wed. Review sheets will come home Monday.
  • Reviewed order of operations and translating words into algebraic expressions and expressions into words.
  • Simplified expressions with exponents

Deep Dive w/ Mrs. McFadden & Mr. K –

  • Upcoming Tests/Quizzes- 
  • Students in the middle have adventured through Greek mythology and conquered the trials and tribulations of mythic quests. They’ve been divided into houses of various gods and goddesses and are working on designing Percy Jackson-style living quarters. We’ve discussed what myths meant in the past and how they still affect us today. We will continue this adventure by transitioning into Norse myths and discussing how there are similarities and differences throughout various cultures.

Science w/ Mrs. Farris – 

  • Students created leaf models and demonstrated their understanding of inputs and outputs by accurately labeling arrows to show photosynthesis. 
  • After adjusting the grow tower’s pH levels, lighting, and nutrients, students are eagerly observing and tracking the plants’ growth and development.
  • Next week, we will celebrate our hard work and learning by enjoying a fresh class-made salad!

Music w/Mrs. Chelsey – 

  • This week and next few classes are all about rehearsing and solidifying all the work we’ve done so far this year to be ready to perform!! 
  • Our music journal prompt this week was : what song motivates you or helps you when you need a boost?


  • Adulting 101- 
  • Students learned about time management and maximizing free time
  • Each student can now write a check
  • Students tracked their stock market investments

Design with Mrs. Boldrick and Mr. Hill -After a Shark Tank style presentation to Mrs. Ochap regarding some campus improvement projects,  we shifted gears into the elementary holiday show set/prop building.  The students are hard at work building backdrops and prop pieces for the 5th grade holiday show.