The Crown Hath Returned


If you see Mr. Rouse making a beeline for home plate, get out of the way- and certainly don’t throw the ball at Mr. Rouse, ask Liam. Yes, the usurpers have been displaced, Faculty are back to being the Kickball Champs! All jokes aside, we’re happy to have the kids back. It’s cold! We are nearing the conclusion of Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children, so just putting it here, we will likely watch the PG-13 movie. Let me know if you have any issue with your child watching the movie.

English w/ Mr. Rouse – 

  • Continued our work with our daily warm-ups and spent a bit of time with dangling modifiers.
  • We are in the process of wrapping up the book, the final project is still being decided.
  • We started a creative writing assignment with the theme of 12 days of Christmas writing.
  • Continued our vocabulary work.
  • If we get our book and assignment properly wrapped up, I might show the movie: Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children.

Deep Dive w/ Mrs. McFadden and Mr. K –

  • Upcoming Tests/Quizzes – No Tests or Quiz Scheduled
  • Students in the middle have adventured through Greek mythology and conquered the trials and tribulations of mythic quests. They’ve been divided into houses of various gods and goddesses and are working on designing Percy Jackson-style living quarters. We’ve discussed what myths meant in the past and how they still affect us today. We will continue this adventure by transitioning into Norse myths and discussing how there are similarities and differences throughout various cultures.

Math w/ Mrs. Boldrick –

  • Upcoming Tests/Quizzes – none scheduled
  • Students continued relearning and reviewing the skills they needed the most help with on laws of exponents. The students have been working on making test corrections with an emphasis on finding their mistakes and understanding what went wrong. Also, an emphasis is placed on showing their work in a neat and orderly fashion. 
  • Practice continued on working with the order of operations with equations using fractions. Fractions are a very important skill to master. This isn’t the last time they’ll see fractions!
  • We moved on to a new skill – perfect squares, square roots, and radicals. Next week, students will learn how to simplify radicals.
  • Algebra 1/Geometry – The students have joined the others in the class for a review on square roots and radicals. They will use this review as we move on to the Pythagorean Theorem.

Social Studies w/ Mr. Jividen –

  • Upcoming Tests/Quizzes –  No Tests or Quizzes Scheduled
  • Students continued to study ancient civilizations
  • We read about The Twelve Tables of Roman Society
  • Students wrote about the similarities and differences between The Code of Hamarabi and the Twelve Tables

Science w/ Mrs. Farris – 

  • Upcoming Tests/Quizzes – 
  • The 8th graders completed a circulatory exam, marking the conclusion of the cardiovascular unit.
  • Their study skills have noticeably improved, with many students using Google Classroom resources to practice heart anatomy and functions.
  • The students showcased exceptional effort, using their knowledge and preparation to achieve success on the exam!

Music w/ Mrs. Chelsey – 

  • This week and next few classes are all about rehearsing and solidifying all the work we’ve done so far this year to be ready to perform!! 
  • Our music journal prompt this week was : what song motivates you or helps you when you need a boost?


  • Adulting 101 w/ Mr. Jividen and Mrs. Ochap- 
  • Students learned about time management and maximizing free time
  • Each student can now write a check
  • Students tracked their stock market investments

Design  w/ Mrs. Boldrick and Mr. Hill- After a Shark Tank style presentation to Mrs. Ochap regarding some campus improvement projects,  we shifted gears into the elementary holiday show set/prop building.  The students are hard at work building backdrops and prop pieces for the 5th grade holiday show.