English w/ Mr. Rouse –
- Upcoming Tests/Quizzes- none.
- As always, we covered many topics in class with our weekly warm-ups, but one particular topic we went in depth on was coordinate vs. cumulative adjectives.
- We wrapped up the last unit of vocab before the break.
- We finished Maze Runner and will be doing an outline as the final project of the book.
- Next week, I will be showing the Maze Runner movie. It is PG-13, so if you don’t want your child watching the movie, please have them tell me so.
Deep Dive w/ Mrs. McFadden & Mr. K –
- Upcoming Tests/Quizzes – No Tests or Quiz Scheduled
Math w/ Mrs. Boldrick –
- Upcoming Tests/Quizzes – Square Roots (radicals) Quiz, Tuesday, December 17
- Students are working on simplifying square roots using the product and quotient properties of square roots.
- They took a quick “quiz” on perfect squares and square roots on Thursday. It is important that they know perfect squares to 20 with fluency.
- Next Tuesday, they will take a quiz that covers perfect squares and simplifying radicals. We will review it on Monday.
Math w/ Mrs. Howells –
- No Upcoming Tests or Quizzes
- This week we reviewed expressions and equations.
- Students are to be commended for their hard work and perseverance through many practice tasks! They are showing greater and greater fluency with integer operations and solving equations.
- On Friday, they completed the Chapter 2 test. Grades will be available on Google Classroom.
- Next, we begin Chapter 3: Inequalities.
Social Studies w/ Mr. Jividen –
- Upcoming Tests/Quizzes – No Tests or Quizzes Scheduled
- Students continued to look at Rule of Law as they explored the Tang Code
- We explored the ideas from ancient law that are present in modern day laws across the world
- Students wrote a reflection about the rule of law
Science w/ Mrs. Farris –
- Upcoming Tests/Quizzes – no test or quiz scheduled
- Students presented their Extremophile Alien Project to the class, showcasing their creativity and scientific knowledge. (A few will share theirs next week!)
- Seeing them take actual scientific facts and imagine alien life forms that could survive on their chosen planets was exciting.
- This project captured the fun and curiosity of science as students explored the unknown and imagined the possibilities of life beyond Earth, reminding us that science is as much about exploring mysteries as it is about what we already know.
Music w/ Mrs. Chelsey –
- We are ready and excited to share our “Winter Concert” with you!!! I am so very proud of all of the work the students put into this. They have come together as a choir and ensemble in many different ways and it shows!! We hope you enjoy the show!
- Our music journal prompt this week was: Please reflect upon the music you have made for our winter concert!
- Adulting 101-
- Design with Mrs. Boldrick and Mr. Hill – Design – Set and prop building continues as the deadline looms. Projects are coming together nicely and we are impressed with how all the kids stepped up to this challenge.