
Changing the world one mark at a time!


  • Please send in a picture of your family to be displayed in the classroom
  • September 23rd – September 25th: WCDS Student Fall Pictures! Students may wear what they’d like. 
  • Sept. 23rd, 1st – 5th
  • Sept. 24th, PS, JK, SK
  • Sept. 25th, Middle School
  • September 26th: Join us on main campus for Coffee Conversations @ 2:00 pm! (This is a time to chat with the Head of School, faculty, other families, and discuss parenting, education, and current trends. A short article will be shared before hand via Talking Points, if interested.)
  • September 27th: Freedom Friday for SK – 5th grade (Casual dress and pizza for lunch!)
  • Don’t forget to sign up for Parent Partnership meetings using this link!
  • SAVE THE DATE: Grandparents Day, Thursday, October 3, 2024
  • ⭐️Save the Date:  Ya’ll are invited to a rootin’ tootin’ good time!
  • Country Roads: Boots for Buses September 21, 2024, 6-9 pm WCDS Main Campus
  • Buy your ticket here and meat raffle tickets(see meat raffle flyer below) here:

Hello Preschool Families!

This week we CIRCLED back around to our mark making, this time turning it into so much more than just a mark on paper! As you know, last week was all about lines, this week we took those lines and turned them into a circle! We learned that a circle is a round shape that has zero sides and zero corners and that every part of the circle is the same distance from the middle. They then looked around the room and identified objects in the shape of a circle, everything from a clock, a light or a letter was discovered! After the kiddos used their skywriting fingers to make circles in the air, they then took those same little fingers, dipped them into a childhood classic, finger paint, to create their very own circles! Some swirled their fingers, and hands, around and around to make one giant circle, others meticulously created various sized circles across their paper, while some daintily dotted the paper with their fingertips. No two circles were the same!

Inspired by the book “I Have an Idea” by Herve Tullet, which took us on the journey of not only mark making, but emotions, beginning with frustration over making a mark and struggling with an idea, to the excitement of turning that one mark into many marks that blossom into the grandest of ideas! The children set off on their own to create an idea! Keeping with our circle theme, the children chose a circle of their color of choice to create their idea on. They were given oil pastels, sharpies and a new medium, colored pencils! They got right to work. With every swish and swoosh of a color their ideas began to come to life! These were just a few of their ideas…

Sydney- “This is me, Tiki, he has super powers”

Clara – “My idea is mommy!”

Brody- “I’m making the sun”

Levi- “It’s Hot Dogs!”

Audrey -“A feather”

Avery- “I’m making happy”

Atticus- “It’s Momma and family”

Archie – “I am making all the planets! Oh wait, I forgot Uranus!” *draws another circle* “Ok! Now I’m done!”

Evelyn- “My Momma”

Lenni – “All the colorful lines”

Khy -“Lines”

Romeo – “It’s mom at work”

We wrapped up the week celebrating a special day, and Miss Airry’s favorite day, that involved our shape of study, DOT DAY! The children learned the Dot Song, and we sang it, ALOT, all week. Ask them to sing it for you. We read the story “The Dot” by Peter H. Reynolds. A story about a little girl who finds herself sitting in front of a blank piece of paper. With an encouraging word from her teacher “Make a mark and see where it takes you” and a simple dot on the paper by a frustrated little girl, quickly turns into so much more than just a dot. The dot turns into self discovery of confidence, bravery and creativity, thus creating a child who will one day change the world with these characteristics. The kiddos were provided contact paper, bingo dobbers, cellophane paper, various circles and paint, to … you guessed it, create their very own mark. Watching as they clamored with excitement as they set out to make their mark, squealing with delight as they created a collaborative masterpiece, we couldn’t help but think, these littlest learners will one day change the world themselves, and to think, it all started with the confidence to “make a mark”. We are excited to see where they take us next! Also, a special shout out to Miss Airry, who lined the walkway with dotted balloons to make it a little more magical!

Make a mark with your children this weekend, you’ll be amazed where they take you!

Miss Arden, Miss Meredith and Miss Airry.

Lines, Scribbles, and Curves Oh My!!


Dear Preschool families,

We hope everyone had a nice and relaxing Labor Day weekend. We picked up right where we left off continuing the smiles, laughter, and fun.

Our Tuesday started off with discovery play, centers, and a story called Let’s Play. It was an interactive story with lines, curves, and imagination. The interest of the children grew about lines and where you can find them. We found a lot, especially in the classroom. The flag, in the ceiling, and our classroom door.. A very captivating and clever story about lines.

Leo the Line by Amanda and Larry Shankle. You can find Leo through out the story hiding inside a……kite string, jump rope, and flower stem just to name a few. This story led us to our provocation. Using a small sheet of white paper, a black pastel crayon, and a touch of watercolors the children made lines and curves and created their own design. Their beautiful designs will be in the classroom for you to take a look at.

Our fun continued with another exciting story named Lines that Wiggle by Candace Whitman. The story has a line that runs through the book turning itself into all kinds of objects: the waves above an octopus, the veins in a leaf, and trapping lines of a spider web. We wrapped up the week by making a mural on a black roll of paper with different kinds of lines using neon tempra paint and a fine point paint brush to trace unique lines.

PS Have a great weekend,

We hope to see you at Country Roads: Boots for Buses!

Miss Airry, Miss Arden, and Miss Meredith

Cotton Ball Vibes

Upcoming Dates and Announcements:

Save the Date:  Ya’ll are invited to a rootin’ tootin’ good time!

Country Roads: Boots for Buses

September 21, 2024  6pm-9pm

WCDS Main Campus

Join us for an evening of BBQ, Boots, and Boogyin’.  It’s the perfect chance for parents to mingle, get to know each other, and kick up their heels!  

More details to come, so mark your calendars now.  Yee Haw!

  • Monday, September 2nd- LABOR DAY – NO SCHOOL
  • Tuesday, September 3rd – 10:00 start – classrooms open at 9:20
  • Scholastic Book Club Orders- Due Friday, September 6th 
  • Please send in a picture of your family to be displayed in the classroom. These will be hanging by the door and the kiddos love sharing them with their friends!
  • Friday, September 20th- All School 11:30 Dismissal
  • Beforecare is available in the gym from 7:30- 8:20 and aftercare from 3:30-5:00.
  • Teacher Email:,, 

A Look at Our Week:

How does it feel when someone is kind to you? And how about when someone is unkind? To help the children understand these feelings, we first gave them sandpaper and then a cotton ball. The sandpaper symbolizes the roughness of unkind words or actions, while the cotton ball represents the softness of kindness. Each child meticulously studied the two textures determining which they preferred. 

How does it feel when someone is sandpaper?

Archie- I feeled sad.

Sydney- I feel angry.

Lily- rough

Romeo- scratchy

How does it feel when someone is a cotton ball?

Lily- I don’t feel sad.

Evelyn- it feels good.

Atticus- It feels like bananas. I like bananas!

Levi- (gave a thumbs up)

Next, we took a moment to create our preschool pledge. This is a promise that the children come up with themselves to help ensure our classroom remains a safe and kind place for everyone…Cotton Ball Vibes!

Our Preschool Pledge

Be Kind to Friends

Kind Hands

Nice Words

Listening Ears

Stay Together

Walking Feet Inside

Calm, Quiet Voices

To continue the conversation about feelings, The Color Monster introduced a monster that was feeling all the feels at once. These feelings all had their own unique color and The Color Monster was quite the colorful mess. His friend helped him sort them all out into jars: happy, angry, afraid, love, etc. and shared that it’s okay to feel all of these things! The children were then given their own jar to add their own feelings to. Using their tiny fingers and developing pincer grasp, they used pipettes to add a splash of colorful emotion to their jar. Some added red for love, while others saw it as mad. Happy was anything from yellow, silver, black, red, pink, or blue based on their unique perspective. Blue was a popular color and represented happy, angry and sad. One child saw green as calm! 

Our week also brought fun sensory play and lots of sunshine. The children got to know our outdoor classroom space by exploring sensory provocations. You know the items you’d ordinarily throw in the recycling? Have you ever thought, hmmm…let’s paint it! Well, we have! The children were presented with a sensory wall of loose parts and recyclable materials and given brushes, sponges, and tempra paint to add color and their own personal touch to the wall. What about painting with matchbox cars? Black rolls of paper became the road and the tires dipped in paint showcased a new way to make marks! But, wait! What should we do with those paint-covered cars? Time to head to the carwash! Sensory bins filled with water and bubble foam made the cars squeaky clean!

To say it was a wonderful week in preschool is an understatement! We hope your weekend is filled with all the joys that come from spending time with your little ones!

-Meredith, Arden, and Airry



  • Please send in a picture of your family to be displayed in the classroom
  • Just a friendly reminder to send in a rest blanket and a small stuffie for your child if you haven’t already done so if you are an extended day student.
  • Another friendly reminder that children need a morning snack if they are lunch bunch and two snacks if they are extended day!
  • Monday, September 2nd- LABOR DAY – NO SCHOOL
  • Tuesday, September 3rd – 10:00 start – classrooms open at 9:20

⭐️Save the Date:  Ya’ll are invited to a rootin’ tootin’ good time!

Country Roads: Boots for Buses September 21, 2024, 6-9 pm WCDS Main Campus

Hello Preschool Families!

This week we welcomed home 20 new friends, with dimpled hands, twinkling eyes and warm smiles, we promise, the smiles were had after mommy and daddy left!

They say “Home is where the heart is“, and we hope that this new environment quickly feels like warm, safe, and welcoming to both your child and yourselves.

We started the week with the story “Our Class is a Family” by Sandra Olsen. A beautiful reminder to our newest and youngest little learners, that this is a safe place to be themselves, to make mistakes, the importance of being kind to your peers, and while your family at home are the most important people in the world, your family at school will be here to guide you, help you learn and most importantly love you, just the way you are! We asked the children to look around the room and tell us if they noticed anything that reminded them of home, here were wha a few of them said:

Levi – “Tables”

Archie- “Lamps”

Evelyn – “Toys”

Benjamin – “Books”

Lily – “Rugs”

Clara – “Kitchen”

Avery-“My Backpack”

Lincoln – “Lights”

This week was all about settling in and becoming comfortable. The children explored every inch of their new home, beginning in their very own classroom. The kiddos navigated centers, everywhere from sand table to art center, as they swooped and swished their paint brushes, and sometimes their hands across the vibrant paint pallets. As they discovered what their interests were, they began to find friends with the same interests as them! Miss Dena joined us for music as we all learned each others name with the catchy “Name Song”. Just in case you were wondering …. Everybody’s gotta name and they are excited to shout it loud and proud! Gym with Mrs. Dodd was a hit as always. The children mimicked animals as they exuberantly sprinted across the gymnasium and then using scoops to have a catch, or in some instances they were used as hats! Lastly, we visited the classroom favorite… the playground of course! Squeals of delight and fits of giggles could be heard as they took on the “big slide” or swung high into the sky on the swings, others congregated on the merry-go-round, taking turns pushing one another.

We are so excited to learn and grow alongside your children this year, we cannot thank you enough for trusting us and allowing us to foster their love of learning through their journey of school. Welcome Home Kiddos!

Enjoy the sunshine that is your children this weekend!

Miss Arden, Miss Meredith and Miss Airry